How We Do It

Collaboration. Research. Agreed Definition of Success.

We recognize that close collaboration with a client team allows clear definition of the commercial and organizational context of a given role and signposts the technical and motivational fit needed to ensure outstanding corporate recruitment outcomes.

As such, we undertake extensive research to develop a comprehensive understanding of our client’s organization, engaging in comprehensive discussion and analysis, probing the culture, corporate values, business model and strategic goals of the enterprise.

Leveraging our internal resources, we access diverse industry understanding of the global marketplace and cross-pollinate ideas, transferring knowledge and process innovation associated with effective project teaming.

Our methodology comprises three phases leading to client satisfaction:

Business analysis and search strategy

We research the need behind a Search assignment and cross-reference this to a candidate’s ambition in an evolving business environment. We develop a clear perspective of the human resource management drivers and context behind the search requirement.

Reflecting these findings, a customized and mutually agreed search strategy is formalized with our client extending to details of skills and qualifications, appropriate experience and relevant commercial exposure in target industry segments.

Candidate identification

Candidate lists are developed from extensive research within our global database, targeting specific individuals and benchmarking internal candidates against those in the market. A short-list of candidates is developed through telephone and live interviews. In-depth assessment allows correlation of capability with role requirements, evaluation of past success, and a formalised understanding of candidate motivation for the role and cultural compatibility with our client’s organization.

Confidential candidate reports are presented for client review and agreed shortlisted candidates are professionally managed throughout all phases of a client’s interviewing process and subsequent reference checking program.

Project completion and follow-up

We consult with our clients on interview outcomes, confirm and prioritise the decision made and establish negotiation terms prior to managing closure of the assignment and finalisation of the appointment.

We understand the critical importance of maintaining close contact and effective communications with both the successful candidate and our client during the transition to our client’s firm. We professionally extend this communication into the months and years following appointment.

© 2018 Barton Pike Executive Search.